Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Newspaper Articles
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Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Newspaper Articles
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- ItemAcademic staff development strategies in engineering fields of study: case study of Zimbabwe(2013-06) Mhlanga, S.; Matope, S.; Mugwagwa, L.; Phuthi, N.; Moyo, V. S.Higher education is the basic instrument of economic growth and technological advancement in any society. The economic meltdown in Zimbabwe which climaxed 2008 with an inflation level of 231million % exacerbated the brain drain. After the economic meltdown, Zimbabwe is in the process of rebuilding the quality of staff and the staffing levels in its higher education institutions. The challenge has been the decision on the mode of study: whether to go via taught masters or master's by research; where to allow the faculty members to study: in the region, or beyond; on a fulltime or on a part-time basis or on a split-site basis. These challenges have been due to the need to have a quick but quality programme of staff development, while maximising on the resources available for staff development. A survey was undertaken of the engineering related departments in Zimbabwe universities focusing on the existing staffing levels, their qualifications, current numbers undergoing study and their levels. The challenges faced by each institution from the administrative side and from the staff side are summarised. Recommendations on staff development strategies are given in conclusion.
- ItemReliability Engineering: A Demonstration of How Reliability Engineering Techniques and Methods Improve Processes, Products and Services(2015) Chikuruwo, M. N. H.; Takawira R Chikowore, T. R.Understanding what, when and where to use the wide variety of reliability engineering tools available helps in achieving the highest reliability in products, processes and services. This paper outlines the value of using Weibull Analysis, Reliability Block Diagrams Reliability Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Analysis and as techniques for processes, products, equipment and services improvement. Reliability Engineering tools help to determine the relationship between the process and the equipment. A demonstration of where and how the reliability engineering techniques can be applied is shown in the research. Every product and process design and their development are unique such that meticulous planning is required to map the reliability tasks to the identified constraints. A product with complex multidisciplinary integrated functions requires efficient reliability tools. These tools are required to be used to assess built-in safety and reliability features of the product under an applicable environment. The techniques discussed in this research will help in determining the present and future reliability of the products or processes.
- ItemDesign of a Dual Operating Mode Sheet Folding Machine.(2013) Gwangwava, N.; Mugwagwa, L.; Ngoma, S.A sheet folding machine that can be operated through hydraulics by two hydraulic cylinders or manually (with the cylinders disengaged) was designed. The design need emanated from the strained national electrical grid system that has recently seen industrialists and households in Zimbabwe experiencing major power cuts. The machine enables manufacturers to shedule heavier jobs during periods when power supply is up and lighter jobs during power cut periods hence run their workshops throughout the daily production shifts. The two hydraulic cylinders can be disengaged from the machine’s folding beam so that manual operation can be done through a manual clamping lever system. The folding force at full capacity is 294.6 KN (29.46 Ton), total bending length of 1.8 m and working height of 1 m. The folding force decreases significantly in manual operating mode to 500 N, considering that on average an operate can manually exert that force. A student version of Simulation X 3.5 was used to simulate the hydraulic operation of the machine
- ItemTowards the implementation of e-manufacturing: design of an automatic tea drying control system.(2014) Mabvuu, N.; Nyanga, L.; van der Merwe, A. F.; Matope, S.; Mhlanga, S.Many of the production costs for producing tea are attributable to the process of drying the tea. E-manufacturing can assist companies to reduce these production costs by making crucial information available to decision-makers so that they can make informed decisions. This paper presents an application of e-manufacturing to the design of an automatic tea drying control system. This control system will ensure that the multiple drying parameters such as temperature, dryer-exit tea moisture content, and fuel consumption are maintained at optimal states during the course of the drying of tea. The additional aim of this system is to balance the cost of production and the quality of the final product. Using the Guggenheim-Anderson-De Boer (GAB) model, the optimum drying temperature was found to be 100-110°C, while maintaining a dryer-exit tea moisture content of 3 to 3.12 per cent, at a drying rate of 3 per cent per minute. A Barix control application to control the system’s activities, using the web user interface (WUI), was also developed.
- ItemImplementation Of A Computerized Balanced Scorecard (BSC) System In A Manufacturing Organisation In Zimbabwe(2013) Gwangwava, N.; Mhlanga, S.; Goriwondo, W.This modern era’s high technological improvements present manufacturers and other organizations with a plethora of Management Information Systems (MISs) which makes them face challenges when choosing a corporate information system. High initial investment in setting up the information systems make it very difficult for companies to adopt new systems as they come into market before realizing a reasonable return from the previous system. In line with these concerns, a methodology for building a Balanced Scorecard module as a strategic management platform that can be integrated smoothly into already existing information system such as MRP/ERP is presented. The paper uses a case study of a manufacturing company based in Zimbabwe. Various manufacturing based metrics are reviewed with the main intent of showing how these can be tracked in a computerized platform. Sample data extracted from the production system is used to test the built system. The paper shows a methodology for software design, setting up and adopting a BSC system. The proposed approach is used to design a computerized BSC system for the case study company, which incorporates a BSC dashboard for the four main perspectives derived from various operational metrics.