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Effectiveness and impact determination for Enterprise Resources Planning Systems: A case for manufacturing entities in Zimbabwe
(NUST, 2021) Nduna, M.; Goriwondo, W.M.; Tayisepi, N.; Goriwondo, W.M.
The research looked at utilization and impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for manufacturing organizations in Zimbabwe. Existing literature on adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning systems, its utilization and benefits realized was reviewed. A survey of eighteen Zimbabwean manufacturing organizations was conducted to establish the utilization of Enterprise Resource Planning systems. The survey centered on operational, strategic, managerial, and Organizational functions and their interaction with the Enterprise Resource Planning systems. The strategic, managerial, and Organizational functions, results reflected positive feedback on the system usage. Operational functions had mixed responses with an overall of 58% being positive and 42% negative. Various impact dimensions were determined and mechanisms of effectiveness in the application of ERP systems established. The research went on to develop a tool using C-Sharp that organizations can use to determine their level of Enterprise Resource Planning system utilization and gave recommendations on how organizations can improve on their Enterprise Resource Planning system utilization for competitive advantage.
Zimwara, D., Maphosa, E., Goriwondo, W.Modelling the environmental impacts of noise and dust from quarry stone mining in Harare–a case study of Pomona Quarry
(NUST, 2021) Zimwara, D.; Maphosa, E.; Nyadongo, S.T.; Goriwondo, W.M.
Granite quarry mining has contributed significantly to infrastructure development of many nations and Zimbabwe is no exception. However it has also contributed to environmental pollution and other socio ecological ills. This study investigated the environmental impacts of quarry stone mining and processing at Pomona Quarry mine in Harare. Ambient noise and dust concentrations were measured at different distances and directions from the source. The correlation between the distance and noise level as well as dust concentration were carried out to determine a safety zone from the quarry mine. Multiple regression analysis of the data was conducted and a model developed for the prediction of noise and dust levels.
Acute effects of beetroot juice ingestion on blood flow and blood pressure in diabetic patients with early-stage peripheral artery disease
(NUST, 2021) Tityiwe, J.S.; Crofts, G.; Newton-Hughes, A.; Azangwe, G.; Comfort, P.
The objective of the study was to determine the acute effects of beetroot juice ingestion on blood flow and blood pressure in diabetic patients with early-stage peripheral arterial disease compared to non-diabetic controls. In this quasi-experimental cohort study of 35 Black-African diabetic patients and 36 non-diabetic controls, peak systolic velocity (PSV), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were utilised to assess blood flow in the popliteal arteries (PA) basally, 90 minutes, 150 minutes, and 210 minutes-post-ingestion of beetroot juice both between and within groups. A two-way analysis of variance with Benferroni post-hoc analysis were performed to compare the two groups across 4-time points after the intake of beetroot juice. One sample and two-sample t-tests with Cohen’s d effects sizes were performed to determine whether any changes in dependant variables were significant and meaningful within and between groups. Within groups, PSV, SBP and DBP reduced significantly and meaningfully during baseline to 90 minutes and 150 minutes-210 minutes’ time points (P≤ 0.02; d≤ 1.70). However, no significant or meaningful change (P≤ 0.9; d≤ 0.29) occurred in PSV, SBP and DBP during the 90 minutes to 150 minutes’ time point. Between groups, PSV and DBP were significantly and meaningfully higher (P≤ 0.04; d≤ 1.95) in diabetic patients at baseline. At 90 minutes and 150 minutes PSV remained higher in diabetic patients (P≤ 0.04; d≤ 1.30) unlike SBP (P≤ 0.8; d≤ 0.34). At 210 minutes, PSV and SBP did not change significantly or meaningfully (P≤ 0.59; d≤ 0.18) between groups while DBP showed no significant or meaningful difference (P≤ 0.7; d≤ 0.33) between the groups at all the time points. The combined group effects were significant for PSV (diff≤ 20.0 cm/s; P< 0.0001) across all the time points except between 90 minutes to 150 minutes (diff= 0.4 cm/s; P= 1.0) The combined group effects were significant for SBP (diff≤ 22.01 mmHg; P< 0.0001) amongst all the time points except 90 minutes to 150 minutes time point (diff= 1.2 mmHg; P= 1.00) and finally the combined group effects for DBP were significant and meaningful (diff≤ 13.4 mmHg; P< 0.0001) amongst all the time points except 90 minutes to 150 minutes (diff= 1.34 mmHg; P= 1.00) after beetroot juice ingestions. The acute effects of beetroot juice on the blood flow of the popliteal artery were reflected as lowered PSV, SBP and DBP during the 150-210 minutes’ time point in both groups.
Determinants of house prices using spatial analysis: the case for Bulawayo
(NUST, 2023) Mupondo, N.C.; Ncube, B.; Mupondo, A.; Nemahwe, S.C.
The factors affecting house prices are crucial to Zimbabwe’s property organisation, and they necessitate an understanding of market trends and patterns in the housing industry. The primary goal of this research is to investigate the correlations between house prices and the factors that influence them to develop a model that can forecast house prices in Bulawayo. This study uses exploratory data analysis and spatial regression approaches to analyse factors affecting house prices in Bulawayo to understand how much housing costs are influenced by the availability of health services and retail stores. How does the distance to schools and the central business district (CBD) affect property prices, as well as the size of the land and the physical environment? To attain these goals, spatial analysis and local regression parameter estimates were used. The study found that many variables have both positive and negative effects on house prices across space and that the spatial lag model is the best fit for predicting house values in Bulawayo.
Agility as a strategy in Zimbabwean manufacturing industries
(NUST, 2023) Muhla, T.; Mapindu, I.; Munyau, M.; Mhlanga, D.M.S.; Goriwondo, W.
Customer needs as well as requirements are always in a continuous state of flux and more often than not, Manufacturing Companies find themselves in a quandary as they try to meet these. The inherent ability of Manufacturing Companies to meet the ever-changing customer requirements is key in ensuring that they are able to gain a competitive advantage over their counterparts as well as succeed in this highly volatile market. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as its noticeably widespread effects also brought about disruptive effects within an already turbulent environment as the Zimbabwean Manufacturing Sector was not spared the scourge of the pandemic. The organizations thus have to gain resilience so as to be able to thrive as well as grow competitively within their sector. The purpose of this paper was to assess how applicable the Agile Strategy is within the Zimbabwean Manufacturing sector as well as to come up with effective methods by which the strategy could be adopted by more organizations within the sector. The key drivers to the implementation of the strategy within these sectors as well as challenges associated with the implementation were also reviewed in depth.