‘Return us where we can hunt and gather’: Hierarchies and social structures that sustain exclusion of San minority in Zimbabwe

dc.contributor.authorChirambwi, K.
dc.description.abstractThe paper seeks to analyse the constellation of social structures, administrative institutions and hierarchies that sustain the exclusion of the San minority group in Zimbabwe, with a particular focus on how the European expansion in the 18th century, the modern state, and private property owners have colluded to perpetuate exclusion from accessing forest as their natural habitat. The purpose of this paper is to therefore highlight the various abuses, including those social, administrative legislative frameworks that discriminate against the San minority and it advocates for actions the right to consultation and the right to free, prior, and informed consent to proposed developments. Through the modern ethnographic approach, data generation was guided by the principles of indigenous and decolonizing research methodologies which place emphasis on the importance of San people telling their own stories thereby shifting the power of a researcher to the indigenous participants. This is a qualitative study that gives prominence to the descriptions of experiences (phenomenology) and interpretations (hermeneutic) of their survival. The paper employed cultural ecology theoretical framework as a lens through which to see the San`s exclusion from forest resources and how this has tragically shifted their egalitarian lifestyle characterised by reciprocity, sharing and levelling to adaptation to the unfamiliar sedentary farming practices. The technical implementation of forest boundary demarcation and forcing the San to join sedentary farming form part of the state`s territorialisation that excludes, restricts and disrupts the San minority from accessing forest products. The treatment of the minority group reveals not only the enormous authority of the state to transfer alienation to individuals and companies but also to legitimise the exclusion by establishing laws and policies that safeguard the interests of those favoured by the state. The San, who are already overly dominated by the social administrative structures of the Ndebele and Kalanga tribes, lack systematic and organised responses to their marginalisation. The San community in Zimbabwe is under-researched and under-theorised particularly in relation to how historically formed postcolonial hierarchies of exclusion and marginalization manifest themselves in contemporary resource governance. Less is known about how those that are powerful – government officials, private property owners and Kalanga/Ndebele tribes benefit more from the environmental resources than the powerless minority San, whose livelihoods depend on the primary natural resources. The unequal power relations have been demonstrated by the evictions of the minority from wildlife areas that were converted into game parks. The study reveals how indigenous San not only resists exclusion but also develop adaptable strategies through negotiations to improve their situation with social and administrative institutions.
dc.identifier.citationChirambwi, K. (2024) ‘Return us where we can hunt and gather’: Hierarchies and social structures that sustain exclusion of San minority in Zimbabwe. Equality, diversity and inclusion: An international journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-04-2023-0119
dc.title‘Return us where we can hunt and gather’: Hierarchies and social structures that sustain exclusion of San minority in Zimbabwe
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