Dielectric barrier discharge CO2 TEA laser operated at frequencies up to 400 Hz
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SA Institute of Physics
A dielectric barrier discharge CO2 TEA laser excited by a thyratron driven power
supply has been developed and characterized. Laser output was observed at frequencies up to
25 Hz for an electrode separation of 10 mm with 1.8 mm suprasil glass covering the electrodes. At this gap separation, pulsed power output of about 9 W was detected for gas pressures
between 100 and 400 mbar. The laser has a pulse duration was about 0.3 flS with a risetime of ~100 ns. Changing the electrode separation to 5 mm and using 1.4 mm suprasil glass dielectric increased the output power to 23 Wand enabled laser output to be observed at gas pressures up
to 700 mbar and maximum pulse excitation frequencies of up to 400 Hz. The developed laser does not require water cooling since the system operates in burst pulse mode.
Dielectric barrier discharge
Baricholo et al (2011). Dielectric barrier discharge CO2 TEA laser operated at frequencies up to 400 Hz. SA Institute of Physics p.1-7.