Beverage Effluent Treatment Technology
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A detailed beverage effluent treatment technology was developed in a period of 4 months, using samples from an operating beverage plant. The total number of samples collected were 1304. The volume of the sample collected hourly was 500ml for 4 hours to give a composite sample. The plant operated continuously for 6 days a week and had two-12 hour shifts a day. The technology consisted of four water treatment methods combined consecutively which were chemical, physical, biological and physical treatment methods. The aim of developing the technology was to reduce the sCOD, TSS and pH parameters to the required environmental specification. The untreated beverage wastewater has high solids content, high organic matter, and low pH which need pretreatment before it is discharged into the municipal sewage treatment works. The developed technology reduced the high solid content, high organic load and adjusted the pH to the required Bulawayo Municipality environmental specifications. The average percentage reduction in sCOD and TSS was 91.1% and 90.6% respectively. The pH was adjusted to 8.05. The obtained results indicated that the developed technology was effective for treating beverage wastewater at ambient temperature to meet the quality of effluent that can be discharged into public water works.
Tshuma, J. et al. (2016) Beverage Effluent Treatment Technology. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) v. 5(10): 01-09