Partnerships in Education, Training and Management for Sustainable Natural Resources Processing in Zimbabwe’s Rural Communities

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In the course of their everyday academic business, universities in developing countries turn over large volumes of mainly foreign-sourced knowledge, while on the other hand typical communities in rural areas are starved of vital information for their own survival and development. Partnerships between universities and their immediate communities have a potential to turn the fortunes of both parties in economic ways. In the area of natural resources harvesting for commercial purposes, the university- community partnership plays a critical role in fulfilling mutual needs and tackling environmental stability. This paper explores the perceived roles of education, training and management practices on encouraging rural communities to recognize natural resources within their environments and to develop appropriate capacity to sustainably exploit them for economic benefit. Elaborating on the views of selected players and with reference to textile materials sourcing and processing, the paper identifies the complementary functions of education, management and rural communities in developing informed appreciation for sustainable harvesting of natural resources.
University-community partnerships, Education and training, Sustainable resource harvesting, Knowledge, Rural communities