Examining the Nexus Between Migration and Family Planning Access: A Case Study of Zimbabwean Emigrants in South Africa

Migration plays a significant role in shaping demographic patterns and access to healthcare services, including family planning. This study investigates the complex relationship and interconnection between migration and family planning access among Zimbabwean emigrants residing in South Africa. Despite the geographical separation from their country of origin, Zimbabwean emigrants have been observed to access family planning pills from back home. This phenomenon raises important questions regarding the factors influencing their decision to obtain family planning resources from their country of origin rather than from their current country of residence. Through a qualitative study approach, this research explored the motivations behind this behaviour and the implications it may have on the reproductive health outcomes of Zimbabwean emigrants in South Africa. Focus group discussions (n=6) and in-depth interviews (n=11) were conducted in Hillbrow, Berea and Orange Farm. Participants enrolled in the study encompassed females of the reproductive age group (18–45years), healthcare providers and key stakeholder informants. Thematic content analysis was employed to explore the data using NVivo14. Emergent themes were explained and thematically categorized. Reported results indicated that despite family planning and contraceptives being free in the host countries, and also having the same chemical compositions – perceived socio-cultural and structural barriers had a significant influence on the ‘home-is-best’ attitudes upheld by migrant Zimbabweans. By addressing the specific needs of migrants, including legal rights, cultural sensitivity and healthcare provision, efforts can be made to ensure universal access to reproductive healthcare services, thereby advancing both individual wellbeing and broader public health goals
Ndlovu, S., Ndlovu, N., Moyo, F., Dube, Z.L., Murai, T., Ndlovu, T., Ncube, M., Nkala, P., Ncube, V., Mathe, T. and Mamba, F.S., 2025. Examining the Nexus Between Migration and Family Planning Access: A Case Study of Zimbabwean Emigrants in South Africa. Journal of Asian and African Studies, p.00219096251313541.