Suggested Approaches to Achieve Effective Implementation of Strategies to Revive Manufacturing Companies in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.

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The study examined issues that need to be addressed by the Government of Zimbabwe before they could implement strategies to revive the manufacturing sector in Bulawayo in order for the strategies to produce tangible results. An interpretivism paradigm was adopted in order to generate a lot of data in the field and from the site where participants experienced the problem. The study used a multiple case study design involving 20 manufacturing companies operating in Bulawayo which facilitated a holistic and in-depth investigation of the issues that need to be taken into account in order to ensure effectiveness of the strategies implemented to revive the manufacturing sector in Bulawayo. The findings of the study were that the Government needs to address corruption, avail funds to manufacturing companies, review investment laws, improve the supply of water and electricity in Bulawayo, introduce cheap mode of transport to the manufacturing sector, review the Indigenisation and Empowerment Act, review tax laws and allow manufacturing companies to procure their own fuel from neighbouring countries
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS); v. IV(VIII)