Changing mindset- sets towards equity and equality at all levels at institutions.

Gender issues gained momentum since the 1970s pushed by a wave of feminists. Ever since, gender issues have been discussed and debated in many foras. But, the Beijing International Conference (1995) was the climax that changed the landscape. Zimbabwe participated and was fully represented from all sectors of the population. The Conference came up with the ” Beijing Platform of Action”. This actually pushed the UN to quickly set up what we know today as “UNIFEM” the Women’s wing of the United Nations. UNIFEM in 2005, 10 years after Beijing declaration, reviewed the progress by setting up the Millennium Development Goals which were to be adhered to by all Countries who are members of the UN. These Goals are to be reviewed in 2015. This is the time of change and critical challenge for all women working in tertiary institutions for reviewing and evaluating the gains achieved to date and establish whatever gaps still exist.
equity, equality, attitudes, perceptions
Msongelwa -NJINI, J. B., 2014.Changing mindset- sets towards equity and equality at all levels at institutions., pp.121–128.