The effect of schistosomiasis on the activation of aflatoxin B1

This study examined activation of aflatoxin Bl (AFB1) in livers of Schistosomamansoni-infected and noninfected mice by measuring covalent binding of ('H]AFBl to cellular macromolecules in vivo and in vitro. During a one week time period after AFB1 treatment of animals, maximal binding of ('H]AFB1 to DNA, RNA and protein in liver occured during the 1 - 6 hour period after treatment, with less binding throughout of AFB1 to macromolecules of infected mice. Experiments performed in vitro to determine the capacity of liver microsomes to mediate the binding of AFB1 to calf thymus DNA showed that microsomes from infected mice mediated the binding of less ('H]AFB1 to DNA than those from noninfected animals.