The Impact Of Conservation Agriculture On Food Security And Livelihoods In Mangwe District

This study assessed the impact of conservation agriculture (CA) on food security and livelihoods in Mangwe district. The paper is based on findings from a research conducted in three wards of Mangwe district. Data was collected through indepth interviews, semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussions. Findings show that the adoption of CA is widespread within the District. Key among the findings is that while CA does improve yields per acreage, the improvement does not necessarily translate to improved food security. This is mainly due to climatic factors, including the poor rainfall experienced in the District and the nature of the CA practised. In terms of the impact of CA on livelihoods the study unravelled that CA does extend the range of livelihoods albeit, on a limited scale, through improved yields and income. However, this is also dependent on rainfall levels. The study concluded that while CA holds promise for the food insecure households in Mangwe, the way in which it is currently being practised is too labour intensive and it is necessary to consider the adoption of much more efficient practices especially in the preparation of land.
journal article
Food Security, Livelihoods, Conservation Agriculture, Mangwe, Conventional Farming
Tshuma, N. et al. 2012. The Impact Of Conservation Agriculture On Food Security And Livelihoods In Mangwe District: Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa14(5)